Music Library

Just browsing to see if particular songs are in the library? Go for it!

What's Trending?

See what songs are being requested at recent events from around the world as compiled by DJ Intelligence.


Ready to start working on your request list? Check the tips below and then get started.

CREATE a request list and flag songs as Must Play, Add to Play if Possible and Do Not Play. You can even request Custom Songs if you don’t find a selection you’re looking for in the library.

SAVE your request list using your name, event date and email address. This allows your music request list to become a “work in progress” until you’re ready to submit it. Come back to the site at any time within a year of initially creating your list and access it.
SUBMIT your request list once you’re finished – it’s that easy!
How many songs should I request?
It’s up to you! Some clients prefer to request a handful of songs to give general direction and others prefer to create longer lists that may even include categories. In an average four-hour event, figure on 17-20 songs being played per hour and even slightly less at a wedding reception if you figure in time for toasts, cake cutting etc. Also, don’t forget about your guests – leave some room for them to be able to requests songs at the actual event!